High Point market going on right now, I am hearing that they are busier than ever, with the pre market registration at its highest ever, showrooms packed and anticipating high sales volumes. Great news for everyone in the design industry! A new trend to breach the home decor sector at the mid price point level includes liscensing by the industry's most recognized designers, including a new partnership by
Globalviews and Barbara Barry. Barry whom boasts lines with
Kravet, Baker and even commercial flooring company Bluridge to name a few has been at the forefront of brand liscensing. Here are a few new items her line at Globalviews will be featuring - they have stayed within her clean lined, classic realm and would fit in in with a variety of decor settings. Above she is pictured with
Globalviews CEO David Gebhart.

A couple other images from the showroom...

Love this rug! Available in the charcoal version as well!

Photo Credit: ALL Globalviews