I am beyond excited and flattered that I have been choosen as one of 3 panelists to sit for Kravet's Social Media Tour that will be treking through Dallas on Wednesday June 2 - so designers, save the date and prepare to prepare your business for tips and tricks and the overall benefits of using social media to your advantage. The tour began in Washington DC then went on to Kravet's headquarters in Bethpage, New York and will have stops along the way in Chicago, Houston and other major cities.
If you are asking what social media is - you are already somewhat aware of it by reading this blog and the chances are you are on a social media site such as facebook or linkedIN, the point of the tour is it to harness the power of these inexpensive avenues of, drumroll...advertising is what it boils down to, and who isn't excited about "free" advertising?! I will be posting up an invite with a link to RSVP to the event. If you would like to RSVP before the post is up, you can email me directly and I will be sure Kravet saves a spot for you. And oh ya, it is free! Can't wait to see you there!
I am also excited to announce that Kravet has chosen me as one of their 10 young, up and coming designers to a by invitation only event at Hotel ZaZa hosted by Steve Nobel, who is at the forefront of business & marketing advice for interior designers, and is the author of Aiming at Affluence: How 2 Market + Manage Interior Design. I can't wait hear what he has to say and start putting it to use in my own career.